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Journée 2 omra avec mecca 4 you

- Day 2

Explanation of the Battle of Badr – Trip to the Red Sea – Visit to the Holy Quran printing works – Explanation of the Battle of the Trench

Program :

  • Excursion to the Red Sea
  • Visit to the site of the Battle of Badr
  • Visit to the printing works of the Holy Koran
  • Explanation and visit to the site of the Battle of the Trench

The second day begins with an outing in the Red Sea, an ideal moment to relax and enjoy the seascapes and soothing climate before delving into Islamic history.

You will then visit the site of the Battle of Badr, a decisive battle for the Muslims. It was here that the believers, despite their numerical inferiority, triumphed over an army of 1,000 men. This sacred site is a reminder of the defense of monotheism and the importance of faith and patience. The Prophet (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said of the fighters of Badr: “Perhaps Allah looked at the fighters of Badr and said, ‘Do what you will, for I have forgiven you.’” (Reported by Muslim).

The day continues with a visit to the Holy Qur’an Printing Press in Medina, one of the largest Qur’anic printing presses in the world. Here, millions of copies of the Holy Book are produced every year and distributed to the four corners of the Muslim world.

Finally, you’ll discover the site of the Battle of the Trench (Ghazwat al-Khandaq), where the Muslims defended Medina against the coalition tribes. This siege was broken thanks to the ingenious strategy of Salman Al-Farsi, may Allah be pleased with him, who proposed digging a trench around the city.

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